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E-Government Services

Over the past years, the application of information technology (IT) in our country has witnessed remarkable development, contributing significantly to enhancing the efficiency of state management and socio-economic development. The establishment of an Electronic Government (e-Government) is considered a crucial breakthrough in administrative reform within state agencies.

E-Government is the application of information technology in governance. With E-Government, citizens and businesses receive information and services from government agencies more quickly and conveniently. It increases the efficiency of work and transparency in the operations of government agencies.

iNet Solutions is a specialized provider of high-quality platform and software solutions. The company has been and is currently collaborating with numerous government agencies and units to promote the development of information technology and implement software applications in management activities, as well as in party building.

During the implementation of the electronic government platform and services, many units have made significant advances in ICT indices, contributing to the construction of smart, modern, and sustainable cities.

INet Solutions Has Completed The Implementation Of The Electronic Government Platform And Services, Which Includes The Following Software Components:

I. System, Digital Government Application Platform (Core Platform)

STTSoftware LogoSoftware/system nameDescribe
1Electronic information portal

Electronic information portal (including sub-portals for levels and Departments) (Portal)

The Business Information Portal, also known as the Electronic Information Portal, is built to create a centralized information and service hub (one-stop public administration communicating with people) and provide online information to serve all people, organizations and businesses in the Province.

2Information system for handling administrative procedures

Information system for handling administrative procedures

Onegate Platform OP is an electronic one-stop solution developed to meet the needs of provincial, city, district/county agencies, and ward/commune agencies in implementing one-stop and interconnected one-stop administration at the units under their management. Level 3 and 4 online public service portals allow citizens and organizations to fill in and submit online document forms to agencies and organizations providing services. Transactions during the process of processing records and providing services are carried out online. Payment of fees (if any) and receipt of results are carried out directly at the agency or organization providing services (Reception and Result Delivery Department).


Service platform for interacting with citizens and businesses such as receiving documents and returning results (Onegate Platform)

Onegate Platform OP is an electronic one-stop solution developed to meet the needs of provincial, city, district/county agencies, and ward/commune agencies in implementing one-stop administration and interconnected one-stop at the units under their management.


Public Sector Process Platform

Online public service portals at levels 3 and 4 allow citizens and organizations to fill out and send document forms online to service providers and agencies. Transactions during the process of processing documents and providing services are carried out online. Payment of fees (if any) and receipt of results are carried out directly at the agencies and organizations providing services (Reception and Result Delivery Department).


Administrative procedure control system and satisfaction assessment and scoring system for the entire province, district and commune

Centralized administrative procedure management system, satisfaction assessment and scoring, administrative procedure control


Centralized public administration center service system, software catalog

Software for the implementation of centralized public administration centers at provincial, district and commune levels

2.4.1 Monitoring system for leadership service activities at the Provincial Public Center (Dashboard)

The system provides centralized reporting management tools, serving the quick lookup needs of leaders. The system is connected and synchronized with two public service systems and a centralized one-stop shop:
- Helps leaders and processing staff have an overview of the status of on-time, processed, and processed documents. Received... according to many different criteria
- Provides overview and detailed reports to help make reporting work convenient and fast

Hệ thống tra cứu thông tin bằng mã vạch, kiosk

2.4.2 Information lookup system by barcode, kiosk (look up public administrative procedures at the center) at the Provincial Public Administration Center

The system provides features to help people quickly look up administrative procedures, as well as the status of processing documents at the provincial administrative center:
- Helps citizens to look up instructions for convenient administrative procedures Convenient and fast
- Helps citizens to look up the status of document processing by file code, can use a barcode scanner or enter the file code directly into the kiosk for convenient and quick lookup
- Helps citizens evaluate officials and units receiving and processing documents through convenient kiosks at public administrative centers

Phần mềm theo dõi đôn đốc chỉ đạo

2.4.3 Information system to publicize the progress of processing documents and procedures (on television) at the administrative center

The system provides features to publicize the progress of resolving and processing documents of agencies, displayed on television screens at the provincial administrative center: - Helps leaders and officers of the provincial public administrative center and citizens to have an overview of the status of receiving and processing documents at each unit - Allows people to publicly monitor the situation of processing and returning documents

Hệ thống đánh giá mức độ hài lòng

2.4.4 System for assessing people's satisfaction at public centers

The system provides features to help people evaluate and collect statistics on the level of satisfaction of the people with the service style of the officials: - Helps citizens to directly evaluate the reception staff and process their documents - Helps unit heads to know the assessment of people's satisfaction and dissatisfaction at which stage, which department, at any time, from which to propose corrective measures. adjusted, to serve the people better

Centralized results return system, via post office at the Central Government Center

2.4.5 Centralized results return system, via post office at the Central Government Center

The system provides features to help officials receive and return administrative procedure resolution results via post at the provincial administrative center: - Allows officials to centrally receive and return results to citizens - Helps citizens register Receive results at home through the postal system without having to go to a document receiving place to receive results - Helps save costs, time and create the most favorable conditions for people and businesses to resolve administrative procedures fastest, most convenient

Hệ thống quản lý thu phí, lệ phí

2.4.6 Fee and charge collection management system at TTHCC

The system provides toll collectors with centralized access to all administrative procedures arising from fees at TTHCC

Hệ thống xin lỗi

2.4.7 The system apologizes to people at TTHCC (notifies the cause of delay and reschedules)

The system provides features related to apologizing to people for late processing of documents at the TTHCC by generating apology letters and sending them via email and sms to people.

3Hệ thống kho ứng dụng, dịch vụ

Form and electronic signing services

Repository of online public service templates, administrative procedure templates, form templates, profile templates, information page templates, application templates, service templates...)


Repository to digitize records and settlement results TTHC

5Document Management Platform

Document Management Platform

Pursuant to 1654/BTTTT-UDCNTT dated May 27, 2008. The document management and administration system is a paperless electronic office solution with an extremely simple interface, multi-language support and a simple, easy-to-use style.


Electronic archive document management system at Agency Archives (Decree 30/2020/ND-CP dated March 5, 2020)

Upgrading QLVB&ĐH software to serve the management of electronic archived documents at the Agency Archives (Decree 30/2020/ND-CP dated March 5, 2020). Upgraded functions: - Manage electronic documents, create and manage electronic records, document specification data, document retrieval
- Able to integrate with QLVB&D software to organize storage Electronic archives at the agency
- Able to connect and share data with the electronic archive document management system at the Provincial Historical Archives
- Ensuring information security - Preserving and archiving documents documents and records
- Ability to make statistics, reports, search and use documents and records


Electronic archive document management system at Historical Archives (Decree 30/2020/ND-CP dated March 5, 2020)



Electronic text database

The province's administrative document database has the following tasks:

+ Store all electronic document data
+ Store the processing process of the Provincial People's Committee Office, departments, branches, branches, districts, wards, communes, towns, and units throughout the city via Axis interconnected, serving to form a 4-level Job Profile database (iOcean)
+ Full text search (Index Fulltext)
+ Allows the QLVB system to store text files to optimize storage on the device (Hadoop)
+ Partition data over time to facilitate data backup
+ Provide API for other systems to store

Calendar system for the entire province (Calendar)

Calendar provides a convenient and effective set of tools, helping users manage detailed work schedule information in a unit. From the internal calendar of the agency or unit (Internal Calendar) to the calendar of other agencies and units (Community Calendar),... the interfaces are designed to be simple and flexible, creating Convenient for users in registering schedules, creating schedules, browsing schedules,...


Provincial information and reporting system

Connecting to the national reporting system according to citizen direction 598/VPCP-KSTT dated January 22, 2020 of the Government Office Regarding instructions on building and connecting the reporting information system of ministries, branches and localities with the Government Reporting Information System

11Infrastructure management system

Infrastructure management system (Cloud)

When implementing a cloud computing infrastructure management system at a data center, costs will be greatly reduced. Thanks to the flexibility in management and regulation (allocation-recovery) of server resources of Cloud computing software, it will save a large amount of power consumption and reduce the amount of heat emitted from the computer system. server leads to reduced cooling costs for the server room. Thanks to elasticity, server resources are always used in the most reasonable way, according to the administrator's needs, without being wasted or redundant. For service providers, virtualization technology helps exploit physical resources more effectively

12Email system

Email system (Mail)

Electronic mail system - email is a system for exchanging correspondence between users by sending and receiving mail through electronic information network infrastructure. With the advantages of speed, accuracy, security, safety, and convenience, the email system is indispensable for a business operating in the current information technology era

13Monitoring, urging and directing software

Monitoring, urging and directing software (Management of monitoring, urging and checking the implementation of 4-level tasks)

Software to monitor, urge and inspect the implementation of tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: Unify and computerize operational processes, steps in the process of monitoring conclusions and instructions. Direct and manage the implementation of work tasks assigned by leaders of the Provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee

14Hệ thống quản trị tổng hợp

General management system (Lotus)

Management system configures centralized services, users, units, applications, and multi-level operational reports


Data storage and processing system (iOcean)

Data storage and processing system at provincial, district and commune levels

II. Big Data Platform (IHyperion)

III. Data Synthesis And Analysis Platform (ITitan)

STTSoftware logosSoftware/system nameDescribe
Hệ thống tổng hợp, phân tích dữ liệu


Virtual Lake Data Engine (Virtual Data Lake)

Allows creating a pipeline to the data source so there is no need to back up the source data if the data source owner does not allow it. This helps prevent the infrastructure from being overloaded because data does not need to be centrally paid, making it easier for units to deploy flexibly according to a decentralized or centralized model. Virtual data lake connects to collect data from many data sources, allowing declaration of required attributes of the data source to serve exploitation


Storage Data Engine (Data Storage)

Allows users to store, mine and clean data to plan into shared databases, specialized databases, and open databases. Storage is used to store and manage large volumes of data, supporting a powerful and scalable storage solution by integrating the popular Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) storage technology. Storage meets the criteria of flexible expansion, distributed processing, security and data protection


SQL Lab (Data Query)

Provides a web interface that allows executing SQL queries and interacting with data. SQL Lab provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for users to query SQL and view the results returned from the data. SQL Lab supports many data types. SQL Lab allows users to combine data sources together to create new data sources to serve their needs. SQL Lab allows users to perform complex queries, including joins (JOIN), groups (GROUP BY), filtering (WHERE), sorting (ORDER BY), and other mathematical operations

4Analytics (Data Analysis)

Analytics (Data Analysis)

Using analytical problems allows meaningful information to be extracted from data. Use established techniques, methods, and tools to discover, learn, and understand underlying patterns, trends, and information in data. Statistical, mathematical, and machine learning analysis methods to find patterns, trends, relationships, and hidden information in data sets are built-in to facilitate easier data analysis. The goal of the data analysis function is to make conclusions, inferences, or predictions based on collected data
Intelligent analysis and reporting to serve decision-making leaders. Proposing to implement 3 problems:
- Building a mathematical model (analysis, forecast) on the basis of large data on farm household income
- Evaluating social development index of happiness index (HPI)
- Evaluating the public sector development index of competitiveness (PCI)
List of problems that investors can hire in the future (each problem is 4 billion/3 years):
- Building a mathematical model (dividing analysis, forecast) on the basis of large non-agricultural data
- Build mathematical models (analysis, forecast) on the basis of large data on climate change impacts
- Assess regional development indicators Growth
- Assessment of the public sector development index on competitiveness (PCI)
- Assessment of the public sector development index on total productivity (TFP)
- Assessment of the public sector development index on public administration effectiveness (PAPI)
- Evaluating the social development index on Human Development (HDI)
- Evaluating the social development index on gender inequality (GII)

5Open Data Engine(Open data publication)

Open Data Engine(Open data publication)

Allowing users to publish open data sources, the integration mechanism with Open Data Portal helps users control data easily. Data is taken from the data warehouse through the Storage Data Engine subsystem for processing and returned to the Open Data Portal

Data exploitation and sharing system

6Open API (Open Application Programming Interface)

Open API (Open Application Programming Interface)

Allows managing a list of service APIs including information such as: API list, API testing details available in the organization. Lists organizations that exploit APIs and organizations that provide APIs in the application. Allows organizations to register to share and exploit APIs. Open API allows building APIs that share data in digital data stores and resources with external applications and systems. This helps expand the scope and influence of data and information


Dashboard (Data visualization dashboard)

Allows you to design dashboards using charts and graphs to represent data visually, helping users easily understand information. Allows you to organize and sort information by areas or topic to help users view information quickly. Information is updated in real time to ensure the data displayed is the latest and most accurate


Chart (Chart design)

Provides many different types of charts such as column charts, line charts, pie charts, map charts, pie charts, tree charts, and many other chart types, allowing users to design Charts and graphs from data sources have been planned into chart formats depending on usage needs, customizing elements such as color, graph style, font size, annotations, labels, and other attributes. Other calculations to create a chart that meets your requirements. Allows sharing for organizational units to integrate and use


Report Tools (10) (Form design)

Providing the ability to design report forms, users can use the data source suggestion feature to embed data sources in the report form. The reports after being designed will serve to export data from the platform to file format


Open Data Portal (Open Data Portal)

Allowing open data publication creates transparency and helps build public trust. The main users of open data portals are people and business organizations

IV. Data Sharing And Integration Platform (LGSP)

STTSoftware logosSoftware/system nameDescribe
1Platform software


Interconnection shaft connects ESB

Interconnected backbone software is an information system designed independently to enable different software applications and services; with many different architectures, platforms and communication standards on different operating systems that can link and exchange information with each other.


Business process management (BPM)

Business process management allows:
- Defining and running business processes: Supports BPMN 2.0, WSBPEL 2.0, BPEL4WS 1.1
- Define business flows that interact with humans: Support User Tasks in BPMN process flows


Centralized security and authentication management

Centralized authentication and security management: Manage single sign-on and authentication authorization, Provide secure authentication mechanisms, Identity governance and management, Permissions and access control, API Security, Monitor and track the system


Data services

Ability to declare connections that collect data from a variety of structured and unstructured data sources. Provides tools to query data, publicize data services for other services and information systems according to SOAP, REST protocol standards, XML, JSON data standards. Allows configuration of data service security before making data public


Application administration accesses API resources

Manage the list of service APIs including information such as: API list, API testing details on product and sandbox environments, API console, documentation
Manage the list of applications that use the API. Detailed information about an application includes: product keys, sandbox keys, subscriptions (list of APIs used)


API Management

API design and simulation, API disclosure and management, Access control, API security, Developer Portal, API traffic control and management, Monitoring and tracking


Business process monitoring (BAM)

Collect system logs and event logs from other software components in the platform to conduct data analysis and data synthesis
Able to display data on dashboards to monitor and track the system to promptly handle situations during system exploitation and operation
Monitor the operating status of system software components such as stopped and active status; Monitor information about CPU, Memory; Monitor the performance of services deployed on the LGSP system

2Operating software


LGSP management and operation software

Manage and control the operating status of systems, applications, and services under LGSP
Manage the entire lifecycle of solutions and services under LGSP


Manage shared electronic catalogs

Create, manage, maintain, update and exploit electronic codes and shared electronic catalogs


Shared service


Shared directory service


Document communication service


Services for connecting public administrative records

3.4Identity Management

Centralized account management and authentication system for the entire province, ready to integrate with the country (Identity Management)

Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a web-based Single Sign-on service protocol developed at Yale University. It allows users to access many different web applications with just one login


Electronic payment service group

Connect to the payment channel to support the request to pay public service fees and charges online on the Public Service Portal with 24/7 service time at any location with an Internet connection. With fees and charges payment transactions, the results will be updated immediately to departments/agencies/industries and feedback will be sent to customers. This brings benefits to customers by saving time, travel costs, and timely processing of documents. Besides, it helps effective management and increases financial transparency in the operations of agencies


Receive and return results of administrative procedures via postal/public postal services


Services linked to the National Public Service Portal


Service linked to the GRIS National reporting system

4Group of information services (connecting outside the Ministry/province)


Service of exploiting the National Database on Business Registration


Service of exploiting the National Database of legal documents


Service connecting the online criminal record issuance system


Service connecting the Civil Registration and Management Information System


Insurance Database Mining Services


Service connecting the System to issue unit codes related to the budget


Service of connecting the Land Registration System to serve the connection between Natural Resources and Environment - Tax in performing administrative procedures related to land

The application of information technology and the implementation of the Electronic Government platform and services in many provinces and cities have made significant strides, enhancing management effectiveness through software services provided by iNet Solutions.

Not stopping at the services already available, iNet Solutions continues to research and introduce many high-quality software services to meet the practical needs of various customer groups.

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